You're successful. Attractive. Well liked.
And you've just got married for the third time.
But that’s OK because everyone’s happy. Your children are happy. You're happy. And so is your new wife.
But one tragic accident smashes your perfect life to pieces. Because everyone has secrets, and secrets have consequences.
Some of which can be devastating.
This was definitely my least favourite of Jewell's work that I have read. I'm glad it wasn't the first of her work I read because I probably wouldn't have picked up more. It is typical of what she writes about. Family and kids. This one is not a murder mystery though. There is a death with questionable circumstances around them. Third Wife of this father with 5 kids between his two wires and whether she intentionally threw herself in front of a bus or was a drunk accident.
The mystery was weak, most of it was just wide goose chases until it suddenly wasn't. The mystery was filluate the character development. However, the characters are problem on their own.
They were unlikeable and uninteresting. It's a character study about this middle-class family, who all take after their terrible father. Even the youngest kids just seem like jerks. Even the five-year-old baby. Maybe they all deserve each other. I guess they are some character development but it took the death of someone for it to happen.
With some of the voice I work, I did wonder if I would have liked the book better if I had physically read it. Some just make characters even more unlikable than they already were
Also, this is set during the 2012 London Olympics, which just seems so random now. I imagine London public transplant being jammed packed now. I wonder if there will be books set during this time. Probably.
Overall, I give this 3/5 stars for Cat Fur. I just don't enjoy family mysteries without murder. This book was a lot like Liane Moriarty books which also books I don't really enjoy. There's nothing that wrongs with them but they just do nothing for me.
Read: 14/5/2020 to 15/5/2020
Reviewed: 15/5/2020 - 16/05/2020
Medium: Audiobook
Narrator: Emma Gregory
Published Date: 21/03/19 (Novel published originally 3 July 2014)
Publisher: Random House Audiobooks
Source: Library
CW: Suicide; Death; trying for a baby; infertile issues; Cyberbullying;
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