Do you ever think about how stupid it would be if Hogwarts always started up on the 1st of September. We know they observe weekends due to visits to Hogsmeade (perhaps their weekend is different to ours, but would still be at some point during the weekend) For example, the 1st of September falls today, a Saturday meaning the students are going up to do nothing on the Sunday. It would more sense for them to go up on the Sunday and start on Monday 3rd.
Schools have been known to start back on a Thursday, but in Hogwarts case classes would only be on the Friday. Meaning travelling up on Thursday or Friday would make no sense.
Wouldn't the parents be annoyed that missing out on time they could have with their children that they only see twice in the year. I know some parents are arseholes that only had kids for the sack of an heir, but wizarding parents probably mostly love their children. Also having a much of first years and teenagers in generally wandering about unguided while they pumped up from summer seems like a bad idea.
Basically, it's one of the many things about Hogwarts that makes aspect no sense. It would make more sense if Hogwarts started that kids would leave for Hogwarts the first Monday after the 1st of September (if have we have to stick with the September month) or what go up the Sunday before the Week that has the 1st September in it.
Another more illogical idea would be that Class always starts on the 2rd of September and goes for the five days (six, I've have did enough research to figure out a wizarding week and I'm not re-reading six books to figure this out right now) and then the weekend is whatever day the six day lands on. Though, that would mean that the weekend changes every year, confuses the hell out of everyone. There is a magical government meaning they must have some sort of Calendar that they stick to.
I do plan to re-read the Harry Potter series someday. I guess I'm just scared that the magic it will be gone.
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