April, 1890. London wakes to the shocking news of a mass prison escape.
Walter Day and the Scotland Yard Murder Squad now face a desperate race against time: if they don't re-capture the four convicted murderers before night settles, they'll vanish into the dark alleys of the London's criminal underworld for ever.
And in the midst of this mayhem and fear, the city's worst nightmare is realised: Jack the Ripper haunts the streets of London once more . . .
This is the third book in the Scotland Yard Murder Squad series and I don't have reviews for either of the first ones. Except I enjoyed and liked both. I think you should probably read the other two first but I'm pretty sure it explains the references to the other two.
The characters are characters and they are consisted from their last show. Though, we didn't much good interrogation between the regulars. The new ones were alright. It's not a spoiler to say Jack the Ripper is in this book as it's on every blurb I've read for this book. It was handled okay but still there was something off about the portrayal. He's blandly crazed and the devil symbology felt too much at times. I mean someone straight up calls him the devil without knowing who he is and seeing him for the first time from a safe distance.
The ending of this book wasn't very satisfying but that might have been the point. The plot was quite interesting and sets up the next book.
Overall, I give this book 4 out of five stars for nails on Mantlepiece. Parts of this book were good, but I think Jack the Ripper should have been left out of the series. The characters in this series are obviously based on real people, but Jack the Ripper is overdone and murdered people. The plot would have been good without him and it now makes me slightly anxious about the next instalment of the book but I will still be reading it.
I got this book off Netgalley for review and it's published by Penguin.
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