Saturday, 6 January 2018

Bout of Books 21

It's that time of year again. It happens more than once a year but I mostly do this readathon in January. Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda Shofner and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 8th and runs through Sunday, January 14th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 21 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

My Goals


Books to Read

  • Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
  • Unnatural Creatures, Edited by Nail Gaiman. 
  • Between the Lies by Cathy Macphail


Monday 8.1.2018 (wrote Tuesday)
Challenge- Introduce Yourself #insixwords: Harbour of many, many unread books
What I read today: The Spiderwick Chonicles: Lucinda's Secret by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today: 43 pages
Books Finished: 0
Thoughts: I didn't start reading till half 11 so not great. I could have listened to audio books but I'm out of love with all the ones I own currently.

Tuesday 9.1.2018 (wrote 2.55am, 11.01.2018)

Challenge- 2018 Reading Goals: I've already did video talking about them and their on my blog already so I'll just link this here.
What I read today:  The Spiderwick Chonicles: Lucinda's Secret by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black, Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today: 68 pages
Pages read total: 111 pages
Books Finished Today: 1

Total Books Finished:1
Thoughts: I edited stuff today but have no reason not to have edited read as much today.

Wednesday 10.1.2018(wrote 2.55am, 11/1/2018)
Challenge: Book Spine Rainbow-I didn't get around to this today.
What I read today: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: 0
No. of pages read today: 35 pages
Pages read total: 146 pages
Books Finished Today: 0

Total Books Finished:1
Thoughts: I slept for most of the day so ate and read for the 2 hours I was awake for today.

Thursday 11.1.2018 (wrote 10.07 am, 12.01.2018)
Challenge- Favourites: Too tired.

What I read today: Between the Lies by Cathy MacPhail

Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today: 277 pages
Pages read total: 423 pages
Books Finished Today: 1

Total Books Finished: 2
Thoughts: Not the best book to spend a day reading but I finished it. It was okay, a bit dumb in places. Also still feel super tired.

Friday 12.1.2018 (wrote 15.1.2018. 2.26pm)
What I read today: Zom-B Family by
Total of books read today: 2
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today: 313 pages
Pages read total: 736 pages
Books Finished Today: 1

Total Books Finished: 3
Thoughts: An okay day and got back into reading the Zom-B series after leaving it for over 2 years.

Saturday 13.1.2018 (wrote Tuesday,6.25am)
What I read today: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman,
Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: 0
No. of pages read today: 162 pages
Pages read total: 898 pages
Books Finished Today: 1

Total Books Finished:4
Thoughts: Something happened that messed up my reading and my sleeping pattern.

Sunday 14.1.2018 (wrote Tuesday,6.25am)
What I read today: Black Cairn Point by Claire McFall

Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today:  46 pages
Pages read total: 944 pages
Books Finished Today: 0

Total Books Finished: 4
Thoughts: I woke up 5pm today and felt terrible. So it explains why I didn't read much today.

Overall Thoughts: Tiredness and life got in the way of reading. I probably had an okay reading week and I did read every day during Bout of Books so that's something. 


  1. I so want to get to Norse Mythology by Gaiman--looks so delightful! Good luck reading a lot this week :)

  2. I hope you've been having fun with Bout of Books and been getting a lot of reading done! Good luck with today and tomorrow!

  3. Great job on your accomplishments! You totally killed it this week!
