I've been trying to write something creative for this post but its not been going well. I think it cause I haven't left myself much time for it this week. I've been keeping to my goals pretty well. I'll definitely have a review and video up three xin a row. I have read a book a week and I have currently read three books and I am on to my forth as write this. If you reading this obviously I have made it to week 2 of posting every Saturday something.
I want it to be more creative, but obviously I'm rushing it by doing it on a Friday night, very aware that I'm in a read-a-thon that I missed out two days of due to tiredness alone.
My mother drag me to the doctor, due to the tiredness and pain I've been feeling for the...let's see, the last ten years. I hate going to the GP. He really grabbed onto the insomnia and prescribed me Melatonin. A substance I've already tried thanks to the miracle of the American Drug store. It's a natural thing the body already produces, but I guess that's not enough for me.
It could just be the Autism and being unable to switch off but I feel tired and pain when I have slept. He says I should be more active but that's not worked well in the past and also my dog is a little a weirdo who doesn't like to go walkies.
Though, I tried her again on Thursday and she was mostly okay when I go her up the path but she also ran away that same day and she still ignores me when I'm shouting her name. Unless she thinks I'm able to grab her. She jump her back, when I came come to grabbing her harsness. But hey at least she was making friends with random dogs.
He said to come back if doesn't help. How long do I wait? Because sleep doesn't mean much. Some times the pain keeps me awake. I know there's nothing they likely to be able to do if I have what I think I have but what if it isn't that. Probably too late. He asked if I wanted to be on Pills for the rest of my life. Not really. I know pills any fun, but my pain is getting worse so I'm worried.
I knew this process wasn't going to be fun. It was just going to be difficult and awkward as the autism stuff which why I haven't pushed it as much. But it effects my life. Sometimes I'm too tired to move after a 12 hours of sleep. That means something is wrong. I don't want pills. I want answers. Sure, I would like solutions, but I know that probably never going to happen.
I don't know what this post is really. I'm going to bed or to read. Though, probably not since y sister is coming down today.
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