Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Book Review: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

My next door neighbours are real animals. Or an empty field.

I'm not sure what I think of this book. Frankly, I just have a weird relationship with romance books. I like them for characterisation but the romance side is something I never buy into the way other people seem to.

There are lot of characters and the writer manages to keep them distinct. The relationships were okay. The contrast between the two families worked well.  The main character doesn't give much in personality to attach to, she okay.

The plot was okay, but I'm not really fond of the everything is perfect and then everything goes to shit hundred pages before the end format.

 Overall, I give this book 4/5 stars for ridiculous names. While this is a new release over in the UK, this book has been over hyped from the American side for me. It's a decent  A contemporary, I'm just not at all invested enough in the characters to buy into the hype. I think I would have less mixed feelings about it if I hadn't heard how good it was from various sources.

I got this book for Review off NetGalley and it was published by Electric Monkey this month.

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