Rose and I have finally met again, in personal. Imagine that. It like one of us has came back to life or something. I leave it you to decide which one of us it was. (Pst, I'm Sherlock, sh...). I worked it out that we had last seen each other the week after the Sherlock season 2 finale, meaning in the space of year and almost six months the Sherlock fandom have went, utterly completely mental. Last time we saw each other (which is briefly spoken about
here), we watched the first episode of season 2 together. She also moved countries again. I'm secretly jealous that she get to live in Central Scotland whist I'm left to die in hell of the borders.
Proof that I do have a "Friend" |
Meeting up was deeply confusing as we were meant to meet in centre of Glasgow but stuff that that I'm myself confused about happened and we eventually met up in Braehead shopping centre which I haven't been to in eight years or something which is sad which justify my over use of the word 'which'.
So we met, went around the shops, I bought a book, bump into one of my several sisters and hang around with one of the others. I watch Rose eat the chips that taste so much like home. Glasgow chips are something I miss daily (okay, I'm not that obsessed with food but sometimes I just caved them).
John, I mean Rose. |
Rose also gave me make-up tips so we strangely felt like girls. I also had time to able to stick my nails into her arms and be actually slap her. I awkwardly filmed our time together which will eventually turn on YouTube just like that MCR parody we filmed together that after two years still haven't edited. I mean the band sort of released a sort of album and broke up. I've seen them live but still want to see them again. Maybe someday when they're like sixty and I'm forty, that also when the Parody will finally be edited.
Rose doubles as a canvas. |
We then I had a heartfelt farewell as Rose had a train and ferry to catch. My family and I then went to Primark and Ikea. So I got clothes and a new bookcase. I really want a Primark to open up where I live, maybe someday it happen. God, knows we have the space for it with all those empty shops. It seems like we only have a Waterstone's; several betting shops; a Pawn shop and Cash for God like places. Did I mention I really hate where I live?

Tomorrow is my sib's Birthday so we going all out to dinner with the sister that I'm still not talking to since I last saw her. Not entirely sure if she knows if I'm still at angry/annoyed/done with her shit. It hard to stay mad at people when you live with them but I don't live with her so I've unfriend her and the rest of the family off facebook. I told my mum that I had done it last night so she will never notice our time apart.
So that all this week so I'll see you next week where it have been a week since I last saw my John.
*Sighs* I mean Rose and I probably should stop comparing her to one half of my OTPs.
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