I've decided to take part in week long Read-a-thon and for those unaware of
Bout of Books:

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender
and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that
begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January
12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure,
and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number
of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand
prize, but all of these are completely optional.
For all Bout of Books 9.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team.
I'm just going to put my goals here.
My Goals
- To finish reading all the books I've got currently out of the library.
- To start the Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld (Maybe even finish)
- Check out the challenges, chats and that. I'm not really sure since I've never taken part in Bouts of Books before so we see.
Books to Read
- Pawn by Aimée Carter
- Butterfly Grave by Anne Cassidy
- Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel
- My Swordhand is singing by Marcus Sedgwick
- Uglies Series (Uglies, Specials, Pretties, Extras) by Scott Westerfeld
Time Devoted to Reading
I plan to read 5 hours a day most of the week.
Monday 6.1.14 (wrote 10.58pm)
What I read today: Pawn by Aimée Carter
Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today: None
No. of pages read today: 239
Books Finished:1
Thoughts: I had a busy day and never got enough sleep yesterday so I'm happy with what I read today. However, I would like to read more tomorrow so I'm just going to call it quits early, get some proper sleep
and get a good start
Tuesday 7.1.14 (wrote 2.57 am Wednesday)
What I read today: Butterfly Grave by Anne Cassidy
Total of books read today: 1
No. of books started today:1
No. of pages read today: 212 pages
Pages read total: 451 pages
Books Finished Today: None
Total Books Finished: 1
Thoughts: I actually read less today, I was out all day and when I got home I had a five hour nap so not the best way to read. I kinda want to read a book a day so slightly disappointed with myself but I'll might make up for during the week.
Wednesday 8.1.14 (wrote 12.20am Thrusday)
What I read today: Butterfly Grave by Anne Cassidy, The 100 most Pointless Argument in the World Solved by Alexander Armstrong & Richard Osman, Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel.
Total of books read today: 3
No. of books started today: 2
No. of pages read today: 670 pages
Pages read total: 1121 pages
Books Finished Today: 2
Total Books Finished: 3
Thoughts: So I made up for not finishing a book yesterday. I finished 2 books and managed to get half way through another one. I think if I keep this rate up then I should be able to finish the Uglies series (assuming I can get into it). I did push myself to finish Such Wicked Intent because began to annoy me so much and not just the fact it meant to be a prequel to Frankenstein but the characters were generally annoying and it square romance in it. I mean Triangles can be bad enough. IT GOES SO MUCH AGAINST THE CANON IT PAINS ME! Hm, em I didn't really enjoy today challenges but I think that because I read such a wide range genre that I have no perpendicular loyalty to one. In summary, a good day of reading (even if what I was reading wasn't that good).
Thursday 9.1.14 (wrote 12.05am Friday)
What I read today: The 100 most Pointless Argument in the World Solved by Alexander Armstrong & Richard Osman, My Swordhand is Singing by Marcus Sedgwick, Uglies by Scott Westerfeld
Total of books read today: 2
No. of books started today: 2
No. of pages read today: 419 pages
Pages read total: 1538 pages
Books Finished Today: 2
Total Books Finished: 5
Thoughts: I'm very happy with my process so far if I keep this pace up I can finish the Uglies series and maybe get another book in.
Friday 10.1.14 (wrote 12.14am Saturday)
What I read today: Uglies
by Scott Westerfeld, Petties by Scott Westerfeld
Total of books read today: 2
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today: 512 pages
Pages read total: 2050 pages
Books Finished Today: 1
Total Books Finished:6
Thoughts: Petty certain I'll finish the Uglies series, not sure about another book after that. I forgot that I'm going to see a 3 hour long film tomorrow (Yes, its the second Hobbit film). So hopefully finish Petties and started on Specials before I leave to see it.
Saturday 11.1.14 (wrote 12.44am Sunday)
What I read today:Petties by Scott Westerfeld, Specials by Scott Westerfeld
Total of books read today: 2
No. of books started today: 1
No. of pages read today: 356 pages
Pages read total: 2406 pages
Books Finished Today: 1
Total Books Finished:7
Thoughts: Not a lot of reading done today, but going to see the Desolation of Smaug took away almost four hours worth of reading so it not surprising that today wasn't as good. I think I probably have finished 'Specials' if it hadn't been for that. I'm tempted to just read into the night now.
Sunday 12.1.14 (wrote 12.am 13.)
What I read today:Specials by Scott Westerfeld, Extras by Scott Westerfeld, Name on your wrist by Helen Hiorns
Total of books read today: 3
No. of books started today: 2
No. of pages read today: 444 pages
Pages read total: 2850 pages
Books Finished Today: 2
Total Books Finished:9
Thoughts: To be honest I spent a lot time thinking about reading. I was kinda fed up with the Uglies series so I finished Specials and got 50 pages into Extras before giving up and read The Name of your Wrist which was alright. The ending isn't very satisfying.
Overall Thoughts: I enjoyed this Readathon, took part in most of the challenges. I did up feeling a tad fed up but that might be part in with reading the Uglies book after book. I think next time I would have some separate if I ever try read full series in a readathon again. I did finish the Trilogy, if not all the books in the series. Well, I'm happy with the amount I read through.