The concert was alright. I mean who even likes Fall Out Dude which I imagine is Fall Out Boy cover band but I hear Fall Out Guy (that is what it looks like I wrote on the calendar) is way better. Now let's never take the time to see if any of those bands exist.
The concert was actually Awesome because Fall Out Boy are Awesome. Though, they'd be more awesome if they found a way to mute Pete Wentz and chain him to his Bass. I should have shouted Blue eyeliner suits no one. I really miss a shot there.
So lets go my back to start of notable things about last Saturday.
Of course that's not what happen. I had a disappointing burger and chocolate milkshake. Also two weird slushies that didn't come with cherries this time. The starters were nice though. We started with two tables because there was nine of us and there only let you book eight people table. They eventually did let us all dine at one table, not that it made much difference in terms of conversation. I talk to no one except to order.
We in confusing affair went to the concert with my brother who also happened to be going as well. It made sense as it costs £7. This is the brother that I think of as Arsehole, that hasn't really change. I didn't say anything.
So this was my first time in the Hydro, not in the very ableist packing which I've complain about before but it wasn't as bad as last time since it wasn't as cold. Another complain is that I think it incredibly stupid for it to only have one cash machine. I also got told that I wasn't allowed to bring in bottled water which fucking retarded, apparently it because you could hurt someone with it. I frankly want proof. It probably a money lie but that makes no sense as since they sell alcohol they have to provide free water of some kind.

I brought way too much merch: Three t-shirts; one hoodie; a overprice wristband; a tote bag and a mug that appears I never even touch and I blame my mother. The reason I have three t-shirts is that there never had the right size for the one I wanted so i got another one but then I saw another stand and they did have the right size. So I brought it. Books and merch are my two money weakness. Other things I can resist but not them. My Chemical Romance stuff also came in the mail this week, their greatest hits and t-shirts.
As for the story of the mug, you obviously couldn't bring them in with you as you know no glass allow into these things as people are arseholes and accidents. After the concert, my mum rushed out of the place through a different door so with the buzz from Fall Out Boy I never remember to go pick it up and now will blame my mother for it forever. I've emailed them about it but hopes are not high that I'll ever get it. You can't get the mug online either. I should have wrote mug on my hand.
As for the music, what we heard of New Politics they were quite good. Having sort of listen to their two albums I think they a band with potential. I will keeping my ear out for them. Get it? You know ear instead of eye because they're a band and they play music. I'm just so witty. We heard Harlem which is currently they're biggest song, on ad for Frozen and everything.
The Petty Reckless were pretty disappointing. Frankly, they were crap live. The sib and I discussed this thought perhaps it was because instrument overpowered the leadsinger's (Taylor something) voice. During their sound test, the drums were randomly hit and were so loud they sattle everyone there. Maybe if we had been standing it would have been better. Taylor was also doing this weird stripor dancing. I wanted to remind her that she was there to sing, not to get pound notes off us. It was just really boring and I actually went to the toilet during the last song of 'Make me wanna die' which is a fav of mine. They didn't pump the crowd at all.
Fall Out Boy were awesome, brilliant. They played songs from all they albums (expect their actual first one). They play two of my favourites from their second which made me so happy. I actually just love it. I could just sit and gush about them all day. Especially that Patrick Stump. I stand by my Facebook statous that I would marry his voice and talent. I don't know him as a person but I love his voice and music. I haven't came across a song that he was involved in the creative process of that I haven't liked. He's as good live.
I did have several fangirl moments, but how could I not? I did sing along to all the songs. It would be petty bad if I didn't as I've listen to those songs thousands of times. They did this thing were they suddenly appeared behind the standing and we were so close to them, which was great because people in the disabled platform don't really have the option to be the mental fans that get to the very front. It was also funny to see the standing just rush to them when they realise they were there.
I did film bits, but apparently I wasn't allowed to film which I think is kinda stupid because I never had a professional camera and some phone camera are actually better than mine. It the world we're living in. I promise that I will actually edit something together and I will start editing the things I promise to edit.
I've probably said everything that you want to hear about Fall Out Boy. If not you could always comment and we could discuss more of their awesomeness.
On the course saga, I have quit the course thing. She never called me on Thursday, so I didn't go in on Tuesday. That all I will say on the matter this week but I will have to call to see about things.
I'm off now to do things like not sort my room and annoy my mother by randomly bringing up the subject of mugs.