Well, I get out doing creative writing by talking about the demise of another creative writing site. Figment. It relinking to site that's does have the actual same function as it, unlike when when it merged InkPop into it.
The only reason I tried Figment was due InkPop's death. It was never as good and can't exactly why. InkPop had the promise of being seen by a professional Editor and the chance to be published but the voting system also meant something. It was something to strive for and you could find the best because everyone was ranked. Feedback was given because we all wanted to be published even if were mostly underage. Also InkPop also had a better colour scheme.
Here is one my favourite reviews:
swap action!
so poetry is my thing, i live it and breath it
soooo if i sound harsh i truely dont mean too, *cough* now onward!
i like the pitch, imagination and the abilty to dream up the future or
alternate ways the past could have played out is a great ability,
especially since you dont just write poetry and are branching out in
order to write a book in prose form.
the concept of the ribbions past life that is mentuioned in the pitch
however, seems not to be the true focus of the poem, its like you
structeured it loosely round it, i cant find the rhyming scheme and i
cant put it to any particular rhythm which is to me one of the key
elements to writing good poetry.
but i do like your word choice throughout the piece! especially going
back to the old english spelling of the word "color"
the reption is good driving the poem most of the way
but thats about all i have to say, i enjoyed
the poem and the fact that you wrote it on a whim, ut other that keep on
doin whatcha do
I say favourite, I mean one the most pretentious thing ever said to me on the internet while being igoant as hell. This was written on a poem I wrote without rhyming scheme, it wasn't meant to have one. It was repetition thing I was doing (Waste Material, it's still somewhere on the internet). He probably hadn't got to a poem without a scheme but a lot poetry is without it. Poetry doesn't have rules (well, specific poems do have rules). The reply I wanted to tell him was that "I wasn't branching out, I was whole damn tree". I don't really write poetry but lot of good writing comes from a poetic place (though don't go overboard). I can't see my reply as that died with InkPop but I know I did tell him that I was British, therefore I wrote in Commonwealth English a.k.a. not the weird spelling that the USA alone finds acceptable. I'm dyslexic, but the lack of "u"s is baffling to even me. I guess Accents or something. Waste Material is still something I'm proud I wrote, I know not a lot people can say that about something they wrote when they were 15. Fuck, that was almost ten year ago.
It doesn't help that I've been in writing stump since forever. I love writing and creating stories but I can't put them on paper anymore. Back to InkPop, I mean Figment.
It's death is not the emotional blow that InkPop was, mainly because I'm not all surprised. Figment with all it group features, doesn't seem to have a community attached to it. One of the writers I followed in the day is active, but no one else is. I just didn't understand why kill InkPop completely. But Figment makes sense. I have never heard about Figment from anywhere other than the death of InkPop.
Mibba is still a thing. Movella is thing, with link to a major publisher. Figment.com goes goodbye on the 31st of January, enjoy till then. I'm going to read the threads of InkPoppers bitching before they're gone forever. Just found out that Sweet Evil is a InkPop book, though it was released after InkPop ended.
They were stories I liked but they gone now...probably. I have no way to find them. There was this art one that got to the top five and the main character had magical powers due to art. The ending was depressing.
Now I leave you with this gem of time before.
Profile on it as it ends (which contains some straight up lies. guess.):
CD, Scotland, Great Britain, Europe
About me:
I'm Rachel Verna, former Inkpopper. I'm currently in my second
year of 6th year (it's complicated) of High School. I'm dyslexic and as
much I would love to say it doesn't define me. However, in many ways it
does. I'm Scottish and proud. I would love to be added to long lists of
great Scots. I do like to experiment in writing in Scots but I ain't no
Robert Burns. I also enjoy art and it was the first way I told stories.
I've always wanted to be a writer from a young age.
I'm currently thinking of pursuing Illustration or English. Either, way I
need a B in English.
My loves in life are in following orders:
1. Writing/Reading (I adore Books)
2. Art
3. Music (it third because I have no hope of doing as a job)
4.Vampires (young loves last the longest)
5. Batman (Also a young love, I had a Battricycle, okay it had batmirror
on it from MacDonalds)
6. Biology(I like science as a whole)
7. My Best Friend Rose (who would be higher if she didn't constantly
annoys me about her weird crushes, that and she refuses to use this
8. Shep, my beloved Stalker/Dog
9. Werewolves (I love all supernatural stuff)
10. ART/WRITING/MUSIC!!! A.k.a being creative
11. My Kitten Glasgow Smile (Glasgow for short). Born in October 2011, I
kinda named him after the Joker. Ask me how or just look it up. Yeah,
I'm weird, but he's just as strangle.
My favorite place to read is:
In my bed, at my desk, in buses, on trampolines or the floor. I like to move about while I read.
I can't live without:
Paper and Pencils. I need to be able to doodle and randomly
write nonsense. I would have said books; However, I lived without
reading them for 8 years. It was torture, but I could do again and
If I could be any literary character, I would be:
Cleolen Scienten. What? You didn't say they had to be from
published works. I really don't know, all my favourite characters ain't
that happy. I suppose Hermione Granger, she the only character I can
think of that doesn't have any major faults.
Favorite authors: J.K. Rowling, Rachel Vincent, Cat Clarke, Robert Louse
Stevenson, Grant Morrison(in my opinion he counts as an author).