Christmas was typical. Panic about the food and wrapping the presents. I also played Santa this year, my little brother was surprising concern about Santa. He autistic so never had the normal excitement for christmas. I got a Nintento 3DS, Pokemon X&Y limited Edition Blue Version. I was meant to be getting red one but my little brother, being that arse that he is, decided that he wanted a red one even though he said he had wanted the blue one. Frankly, if I hadn't been getting one he would have been up a gum tree. It didn't help that my mum had got them mix up. She had given him the wrong game as well. I got Pokemon X as well. I've started playing it, I've got to it seems a lot easier than other Pokemon games I played, which is actually only Ruby, but I do have other ones waiting to be played.
I got two dolls of my mother, a monster High one and a Belle Doll. I also a dress, gloves that work on Touch screen and of course chocolate. Christmas was nice, though a lot of it did get wasted due to the fact that I was ill and so were other family members. Also I think it was probably a tad too much.
Today I went to see two Disney films, Frozen and Saving Mr Banks. At Frozen we were probably the oldest people there without a kid (I went with my mum & sib). We were also late but they had technical difficulties so it was fine. Frozen was a lot better than I expected. It would have been really good if it had been one character shorter. The Snowman character was just annoying and pointless. I just think the film didn't need him and was only there because they don't give kids enough credit. He has this song in the movie as well that just kinda crashes with the film. He starts singing about modern things in a film that meant to be set sometime time in the past.
We then went to the Chinese which we haven't been to in ages and then we went to see Saving Mr Banks. It was a good film, bit historical inaccurate. It ends all bit pettily. I'm such a Disney geek that I know the facts and heard about P. L. Travers. It was still good if you look past that.
So that all I have to this week and I guess year. I've decided to reflect upon it once it actually finish. I write to you next year then.
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