Saturday, 27 February 2016

Bad Poetry

I used to write poetry a lot. Its something I only do when in the mood for now which is not a lot. Today, I wish to share with some of the random pieces of writing that I called poems. Enjoy these unedited pieces and glimpse into my mid-teen mind.

WeddingDay Memory

Rain pipe bird
Small and Soft
Sitting sweetly
Staying for a moment
And you futter away.

Beautiful Fear

The trees were falling gentle
The sky was full of nature fireworks
The wind played hard against the house
The rain sneaked in
The lights disappear but the fireworks continue to bang 


Boredom, Boredom everyway but not drop to dunk

Be careful of what you wait for...It might come

Rose are rope, violets are violent and you've just as rough.

London bridge is Booming down, booming down, booming down. London bridge boom down, my fugly lady.

Now I know my Alpha male, won't you come and howl with me. 
Yes, that last one is just random sentences that I post as a poem. I do not like to rhyme in my poems. I'm going to save the others for another day. I shall flee now, as I have to park or pretend to anyway.

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