Saturday, 23 February 2019

What do I actually want to with my Life?

Okay, bitches. I'm 25 years old, closing on 26 and I feel very unfilled. There is a novel I've been writing for ten years now and yes she hella abandoned, but sometimes she in my brain still. I have other ideas. I'm not filming, editing or writing.

I'm only listening to audio books while I do random pointless things that I don't enjoy that much, I'm just insanely good at pointless stuff. I don't what I want to do, the one course I tried to apply for gave me error and I should phone someone about that.

I should start doing more.

Anyway, I joined a dating site. Don't be weird and try to find me. I'm going to be weird, but not the creepy level of guy weird. Just a photo of me in a fake British Phone booth level of weird. I probably talk about the awkward experience on twitter if you want immediate updates. They're showing me a lot straight girls, which is an odd choice.

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