Saturday, 25 January 2014

Janurary Ramblings

Heló peops, so there nothing perpendicular I want to talk about in this week. I've read 16 books so far this month (this year would be accurate too). I've brought so many books that I don't want to think about it. It's not my fault it WhSmith who sell damaged books at full price but had buy one get one half price on their graphic novels yesterday. Brought Kick-Ass and Batman so fun times a head.

Stuff that I didn't say in last week post because of having a post that actually had a point. I'm finally getting a new bed which should come Monday. My room is still not quite ready for it to be built.  I found mould on some of my books the horror, attempting to sort it out. I've been buying things I shouldn't (Here's a hint it starts with a 'B' and ends with a 'K'. I finally moved that bookcase last week, now to move the chest and then the TV. I'll have to move the camp bed out of my room.

I have to finish my room this weekend. Last night I kept knocking this bag of clothing next my bed over. I'm also sitting a top of a pile of books next to be review. The next three weeks of reviews are planned, only one week written or read but that will change soon. It nice to have a plan that falls in with my British Book Challenge.

I really need to stop buying so many books, I have like over hundred books waiting to be read and yes I've read 16 books this year but 11 of them were library or Netgalley a.k.a books that I don't actually own. Yes, some were me catching up to series I've already started and therefore saving me from actually buying them. I  just buying too many. I need to stop for a while. Maybe not stop buying books altogether more sticking to ones that I've wanted for a while.

I kinda only want to buy books by British authors or books that are being relased this year. Maybe I buy one or two books a month (I guess more if its a boxset I decided to buy but then only the boxset). Not like a number I'm allowed to spend, yes I need to save but the number of books I own unread is a issue I would like to reduce.

I plan to not get as many books from the library once I'm done with the Vampire Academy series, there's a few I want to take out as to finish a series or to try a series out that I've heard a lot about. The library does save me some money and its a good source for British books.

I'm starting this Hospiaty course on Monday which will hopefully lead to job so I have more money to save for this holiday. I hope it goes well.

My sleeping pattren as been rather weird lately. I've been trying to turn it so I'm awake during the daylight hours not much success. For instance, last night I fell asleep a 10pm and woke at 1.11am. I got back to sleep at 4 something and woke at noon from probling. It'll probably woke itself out.

I hoping to join this coleb channel but I need to film audition. I've done the main filming but need to extra bits tomorrow (realistic it will happened then) and then edit it. There's a lot of people interested.

I finished reading The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield in the early hours of this morning (a review will eventually appear here) so I watched the BBC Adaption. I'm not sure if I like it or not. I think a good adaption should capture the spirit of the book and I don't know if it did. There are certain changing that I really don't like. 

I guess all for this week so I'll see you in the next.

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