My mother has decided that I'm getting a Trampoline and a trampoline I shall have. It should come on Monday. It Octotal shape. You may know that I already have a trampoline, well I've been having issues with that one as it's bars snapped, fixed it and then other bar snapped and I lay on ground to test it jump-ability.
Yeah, that's fucked. I now can look forward for to have a reason to be outside during Twilight. I've kinda been going outside, wandering about for a wee bit and coming back in. My theory is my mum is that my mum decided to get me it because my dog has been unsufferable lately and when I go out, he goes out.
He's annoyingly cleavor. He reads me in a hoodie with my ipod as going out; so he jumps up at me and smiles at me till I break or in most occasions go back up stairs. He then brangs through my door and then lick me to death. My mum can also set him on and I can't set him on anyone else since I was only one still in my house he bothered to learn. I feel such guilt about leaving him for three weeks whilst we go off to Florida. I'm planning to sneak him into my dorm room somehow when I go off for Uni. It doesn't help that he 13 and I get paranoid about him sometime.
I spent most of today to catching up on Reviews. I managed to finished four today, so good start on tackling the other seven I have to catch up. I have read two of those books and got a good chuck read of one today, so review are just a case of writing, though if were that easily they would have been written before. I don't have a lot of books waiting to be review in June so hopefully I'll have caught up by the end of next month.
Today is obviously the end of May, meaning next time I type to you I will only have 11 months left of being 21 years old. It's probably not good to think like that. I'm thinking of posting a video everyday in June as I have a list of videos I got behind on. Maybe video every other day would be more realistic but I guess I want to push myself as I know there are ways of doing such a feat.
I still have to do something about my TBR Mount challenge. I have a few series that I want to get through so I think that will help me do it. I've got a lot of reading ahead of me. I would have a lot reading a head of me anyway. It is my thing.
My room is livable state but still not done. I have these boxes that I have to move across the room to swap their places. There is other stuff but the boxes are currently the main mission.
That's all for today, I have more reviewing to do.
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