Saturday, 17 May 2014

Missing in Writing

I've been sort of have been MIA when it comes to this blog and my other internet presences in general. I got sick whilst trying to do all these things and once I was well again I had to focus on a musical that look like it wasn't going to happen (though I seem to say that every year and every year it seems we're more unprepared for opening tham ever).

I've just not feeling it. I literally have a stack of videos waiting to be edited since the start of April and I have yet to even start on them. Nevermind the videos I need to for May. To be honest I don't myself getting on to that till after I have managed to do something about my room.

Speaking of that issue, I have finally properly trying to conquer the mess that is my room. It feels like I've been sorting it for years. My new bed finally has something underneath it. It has actually got to the point where I am throwing stuff out but I do still appear to have all my school work since first year. It's the guilt that makes me keep it, specially when it was stuff that I was meant to give them back before I left. I have textbooks that I don't remember ever coming into contact with. I think they might be my sib's.

I also have every issue of Kerrang! that I have ever brought. It's a weekly magazine and I had subscription for years. You can do the maths. Hint: there are 52 weeks in a year. I know I shouldn't keep them, but who knows maybe it will be collectable in a few years or I will want to read all again. I also have all my groovy chicks which

I haven't wrote a review in awhile and with that absence I have developed a opinion. What I'm saying is that I can actually write something and plan to backtrack the review I negated to write for their scheduled times.

I've also not read a lot and it didn't help that I had to basically give up on two books. I'm still way ahead of my goodreads goal though. Not so much on my TBR mountain challenge. I've read 6 books out 60 for that one. Need to change that soon. 

I'm off now, I've got things to write, books to read & review and messes to stare at. Type you next week. 

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