Saturday, 5 January 2019

2018 Goals in Reflection: What is happiness?

Another year ended, more goals to reflect on.

  1. Actually read a book a week. Okay, I read 120 books in total but out of the 53 weeks of that 2018 overlaped I managed to do it for 46 weeks, with missing three weeks in October. I don't see this as failure, because life happens and continued to do after failing.
  2. Finish 12 series. Okay, I don't why series goals are so hard, even when I have a list to follow. I finished four and two of those were series started before this year so that's something. 
  3. Buy less, read more of my own books. Okay, I definitely failed in the buy less side but I did read 14 books that I brought this year next to the seven last year and I read 34 of my own books next to the 15 of 2017, so it's an improvement but still not great. 
  4. Sort of that Netgalley situation. Okay, I still find myself requesting more books than I'm reviewing but we are going to fix this probably this year, especially as I lose access to the good library. What if I move, just so I have access to a decent library. My stat went from 51% to 49% so not great. 
  5. Published a Video a Week (actually aiming for two). Okay, this was fail for the most part. I've tried several times to do this but life and energy levels got in the way. 
  6. Keep going with the Silent Protagonist and Before & After series. I did this but not to success, I did one Before & After, I filmed more Silent Protagonist than I filmed.
  7. Film seconds of my day. No, this stopped happening after January and I never edited any of the clips together. 
  8. Write. God damn it write. Ha. Nope. I've started stuff but all I have are failed attempts at NaNoWriMo.
  9. Write a Review a Week. I had more success than the other writing but not great or consistent. 
  10. Start Writing my blog constantly. Ha. Nope. I've started writing a lot of posts, with not enough time for that week and then never go back to finish them even when it was half decent idea. I would like to forced myself to just finish stuff, no matter how bad I think it is. 
  11. Bullet Journal. Okay, so this is fail and successish. I did this half way into February, stopped and took it up again in August and I'm still doing it. Bullet Journaling is very try and error, find the right spreads for me. My First attempt was too much effect and didn't work. So I did it for seven months of this year and have continued into this year. I like tracking things. 
  12. Pain. Why? Yeah, I tried but I have no answers still. I am on medication for other older medical issues so that something. Also I should take my medicine. 
  13. Be happy. Somehow. Can I just say no and move on? No, okay, well I wasn't necessary unhappy but not the best year of my life or anything. The world still sucks and I don't know what the hell I'm doing. 

So not a great year of goals, but I never plan to actually finish all my goals. I just try to do better than the year before. I'll be back next week for my goals for this. Taking bets now for what is just a repeat of last year, I do have addiction and things won't be back.

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