Saturday, 7 January 2017

2016 in Review

2016 is a year of missing events. It started badly and it ended horribly

So lets go though some of them.
  1. Read 52 books or the same number I buy. I want to go back to reading at least a book a week as I think this is the best thing for me. I read the 60 books last year, I don't if that was actually one book a week, I don't think so. I acquired 106 books so that TBR is a massive.
  2. Finish 10 book series. Ha Ha, I finsished 4. I kinda forgot about this goal.
  3. To lower my To Be Read in all senses. Don't spend as much on books. Get that number down to something that isn't so horrifying. It's at 458 as I type. I would say go year without buying any books but that would take away all my fun, so I can some options. Just not 102 again, please. This is just a fail. 106 books and I read lest.
  4. Read a comic a day till caught up. This goal was dead as my childhood in January 2016.
  5. Stop being dumb with money. HA HA HA
  6. Write. This blog was to make sure I wrote every week, but it just doesn't feel like enough effect anymore. Maybe my posts need to be more structured. Maybe I should stop doing posts where I say nothing about nothing. I might start posting creative work every week no matter how bad or unfinish it is. Just so I do stuff instead of nothing. I couldn't get it out of my head just post stuff and I ended up giving trying to catch up. I just need to post thoughts and ideas.
  7. Edit footage instead of sitting on it for years. I feel interesting stuff then never do anything or abandoned video ideas I that I feel that need to be done or give up on before I even look at the footage. If you follow my YouTube you know this isn't didn't happen.
  8.  Write a script and then make it. I have no excuse not to do this. I mean I find a lot of the class work creativity limiting so this would be at my level and I've just got to do these things. I did this. It was option as part of class, it was terrible but I did it.
  9. Stop doing stuff the night before, then the whole doing work making me tired wouldn't be such  an issue and  might fix the whole insomnia/weird sleeping patterns I keep issue as well. Ha Ha HA
  10.  Actually finish the Stranger or whatever. One of my novel things anyway. I started stuff. No finishing.
2016 was one of the worst years of my life. My best friend died and I still miss him terribly. Yes, he was not the same species as me but he was always there for me when I was upset so his lost was worst. I am on the verge of doing something slightly stupid. I will report back next week. I would say here hopes the 2017 goes better but my family had sort of bad news. Oh, and the political climate is shaping up to be shit at home and globally. Also there's like a vacuum of talent in the world so like start building a bunker and started making a list of the stars we going to save when the world explodes.

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