Saturday, 16 December 2017

A Bad Week.

It's Saturday, 16th Decembee 2017 and I haven't written a post in months. This has became mostly random book reviews that I fudge the dates on slightly. Still Always Wedesday where as Saturday remains dusty and cold. With very few spiders. I haven't been in the mood to write for a while.

My week has been bad this week. Life has not gone to my plan and death sneaks in at 3pm on Monday. Mysti died unexpectedly. She had a sore on a face, I was going to take a picture but now I can't. Her death is a weird blow in that its not the disvastion of Shep or Inky. First Cat and first companion. Mysti was my dog but she wasn't MY dog in the way Shep was. One of the last things I would have done is stepped into her in the night and sore at as she didn't move. Like Normal.

She didn't eat her dinner which was the only warning her time was coming. She had been like coughing, chocking on nothing a lot but she was fine and she had been doing that for months. She was such a lifeless dog. She was weird for a Border Colie in that she wasn't engeric and never moved when came near her. She would lie in the way and make you climb over her log of a body.

She was fat, study thing. Lying half on her and using her as footstod as she always layed under your feet when you sat on the couch. She didn't care if you sat and poked her.

I don't know how Leia is taking it. Mysti was never the same after Shep died. Two years and she followed him into the grave exactly nine years old. She died on her birthday in her sleep. Shep was almost 15 and he couldn't move, so we had to put him to sleep. He was gone beyond hope, my dad feels guilt about that but I would have felt guilt if it was any other way.

She was left at the vet for blood tests and they found her dead. She was alone and I haven't seen her since she left for the vet which leaves her alive in my head. I'm not sure how its affecting Leia. I think she misses Mysti. She lies in her spot and looks for her at Dinner time (to steal her Dinner). She seems bored a little bit more. She spent hours alone in her bed.

She no longer has someone to lie with blocking the door as bumpy, living rugs.

I also have asbestos in my house. I learnt this from trying to get Key Metre out so I don't have to leave the house as often. I'm now in Limbo but it looks exposed and they put that Key Metre in recently so why was it left? That Metre seems to be eating up money for no reason. I hate it and want it gone.

On the Wednesday, I drove up in the dark with snow, lightinng and the wind. Snow and Wind makes driving a trippy experence. With the ice and country roads makes this dangerous. I drove up to a Midnight Screening to Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

It wasn't worth the difficult trip. It wasn't terrible but it was a let down and some of the choices were bad. I don't think a lot has been left for the next one. I'm just not excited for Ep 9 now. I think a problem is that it took place back to back with the last video which took out protential character and relationship develop that would have really helped the film. I will see the next one. Not that the Han Solo one.

I've just been down generally this week with continuing not to produce anything or reading much. I'm tired as well. Lets not think why that is. It's not fun.

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