Sunday, 18 February 2018

The Attic (or something)

Its in the attic again. I can hear it breathing. The gentle tap against the trap door leading down here. I don't want to deal with it again, but it I know if I leave it the tap will become a bang and the breathing will become screaming.

I thought I had finally got rid of it last time. It hadn't been back for months. The first it left for a week. The next for a day, but it was quiet again. It's like I'm turning a computer on and off that has more going on than a processing error. Like the fan is broken and it's only a matter of time until it burns down my house while I'm a sleep.

If only I can could just get rid of it for good. I could move, but I don't have the money. This place is so cheap because of it frequent visitor. If I was completely deaf I wouldn't know it was there. Until it came down. I think its came down before. It was the mysterious murders that made this place cheap. Fuck I have to move. Maybe if I value my life more I would. I'll be gone soon anyway. Only few more months. I wonder if it knows.

"So you're back," I say to the attic door. Hole? Panel? I'm not sure what it proper name is. It just continues it gentle tapping, rhythmic as a clock and just as annoying in silence. "I wish you could tell what you want, instead of playing this game." Was this a game? It felt like a board game that you forget about until the power goes off for some unexplained reason. Maybe the weather set it off too? Maybe sunshine.

It didn't respond. Just the same breath. I went to go get sage. I had been saging the house everyday, mainly cause I liked the smell. Me doing it never worked. That physic had some luck, but she had ran out screaming last time. Maybe she left with her. I would check up on her, but my phone fried and couldn't remember her last name.

I decided to leave the sage and go back to what I had been doing.

"Well, I'm going out." I had been getting ready to leave when it started again and talking to it was having no effect. Maybe I was lonely. No, I was definitely lonely. Well, I guess at work I would the sweet joy of customers screaming at me for no reason. I grabbed my bag left into the rest of the mansion.
My flat was part of a converted mansion that been snab nashed into flats. If a good job had been done (and without the mysterious thing in the attic) the place would high end, but instead it was confusing mess with random rooms blocked off each other and cheap doors wooden doors from the 80s joining others. I had never been in the attic to see if I was the only one access. But my neighbours don't seem to notice the breathing and the taping. Only the banging and screams so I doubt it. I guess that was the bonus of that unit.

All the units opened onto the grand hall with its double stairs and they had the senses not to separate. It made the places almost grand if you ignore the awkward outside doors on half the units, the others having the study originals that would probably do a better job if stopping someone breaking it.


I give up. Don't know where is going and it is dangerous close to midnight. I've sort of been writing. There's Queer writing contest and I'm going to go for it. I have no plot, just weird thoughts. Been doing the contemporaryathon so I'm off to read.

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