This is whole writing thing is not happening much. Still not finished moving all my junk out my mother's house. I also now have this random unassembled cabinet in my house. Thanks, Mum, where the hell I am putting this?
Next week, I'm also going to get visit from the Inquisition which sounds extreme but only if you never had PIP encounter. I have three days to sort out my living-room. There's meant to be open days for this water sport thing today. I don't know what's happening. Today or life.
What is life? What is Me? I have a puppy who might freak when I make her live in my house and her old hiding places are gone. I'm been focused to move out. I knew when my parents moved into a three bedroom house that one of us would have to leave.
I have now drank a half bottle of whiskey. So I should be slightly tipsy now but I mostly feel slightly more clumsy and tired. Alcohol doesn't give me much effect. I liked the burn of whiskey and vodka. Otherwise I wouldn't touch booze. It just doesn't seem like much a point. Some alcohol is nice tasteing but I would never drink it to get actually drank. That's just boring.
A lot of it just boring. Life is just boring. I'm off to sort a much of stuff, prepare for a readathon, stuff, read and write like the wind I guess. God, I feel tired now. I'm off to go on the trampoline. Hopefully, won't break my ankle.
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