Saturday, 6 January 2018

2018 Goals: Creating Happy

Happy 2018, I'm back again with goals for the year. Hopefully, I'll have better sticking to them than last year.
  1. Actually read a book a week. So I want to read at least 52 books this year at least. This is is similar to my 52 books a year goal I've done in the past, which was the equtive to a book a week. I think this will make me happy and less stressed.
  2. Finish 12 series. I only finished 2 and I have too many started.
  3. Buy less, read more of my own books. I have unread 674 books documented and I should take more than 15 books a year out of that chunk. Hell, at least 20. I have a TBR of 36 specific books that I own and would like to read this year so hopefully I do that.
  4. Sort of that Netgalley situation. I think I need to limit the number of books I'm requesting.
  5. Published a Video a Week (actually aiming for two). I want to keep my BookTube channel alive and instead of dead months. 
  6. Keep going with the Silent Protagonist and Before & After series. I think just generally do more reviews of what ever feel like.
  7. Film seconds of my day. See what happens. Post it month by month I think. I've technically already missed a day but we see how it goods.
  8. Write. God damn it write. Pretty self explanatory. I would like to finish a novel, but I keep putting that it and it's not happening. I just want to stretch that muscle.
  9. Write a Review a Week. I pretty much do this and may as well Stress myself and encourage me not to leave books in Book Limbo for months. 
  10. Start Writing my blog constantly. Going back to actual doing Saturday posts every week like I'm meant to on. Short or long on nonsense or proper topics. Fiction or non-fiction. Just writing to a deadline. In this case is more about quantity than quality.
  11. Bullet Journal. This is mainly from wanting to keep tack of some of my week/daily goals. Also track health weirdness and other stuff. Also keep the journaling thing going somehow. 
  12. Pain. Why? Actually try to find out why pain. Why are my nerves screaming at me? why numb? Why tired? WHy?
  13. Be happy. Somehow. I don't want to explain this. You explain it.
I have other less practical general goals that most people should do anyway, be more healthy, spread less money on dumb things I don't need. As family we have to lose weight and two of use are having surgery so they have to do it. There's demanding stuff there but I'm not doing anything else with any structure. I just need to find a live the way I want.

Also maybe study dead bodies. Maybe.

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