I know I shouldn't let everything go out the window, especially when I'm one of the few people whose schedule hasn't really changed. I'm probably getting less sleep due to the three dogs and Leia's hatred of the postman. In my house, I shut the living room door when I'm going to bed so she can not bark at randoms from the window as I'm sleeping. No such luck,
We've been trying to find an airbed. We thought it was in the cupboard, then behind the couch, then perhaps the shed, then the other shed. Now it has to be either in the attic or the fae have made off with it. You just never know in this house. I'm at the point where I can't be arsed to look in the attic because I can't think where it would be in there. Probably under a massive mess. I'm tempted to buy another one but will probably never gonna use it again.
BuJo has gone out the window.
No videos for two weeks.
No Reviews for two weeks.
No Post last week.
I have still been reading and I know that this not the best mental time to get anything done, so why would I suddenly be the best ever at this when I've already been struggling. I no longer have a private filming place. My dad came and stare through the glass door for the one thing I did film and have been slowly editing for over a week. I don't notice days passing making keeping to scheduling hard.
I have been playing Animal Crossing but I won't play till 9pm having done nothing all day. I have been doing some reading but not a lot. Kinda on the low side for me. I sort of had deadlines for them which might have helped.
I finally gave myself an undercut, something I've been thinking of doing for years. So I did it. I did on the small side to try it out if I like I might do it bigger. I don't know what I think of it so far. Still not yet bleach my hair but soon. It's just being super tired and I know it will take a lot of me to do this.
Hopefully, have a good day so far.
Anyway, I'm off to do something.
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