Saturday, 4 April 2020


So my reviews are out the window. I've missed two weeks right now and I'm not gonna lie. Those post dates are gone. Usually, I give myself space until the next actual week to go back and fix those missed posts, but I can't be arsed. I have not been reading review books. I could review anything I read but that's not happening.

I still have a sore throat, I'm so over being ill. It's just an annoying level right now. I just want it gone, so I don't have this voice in the back of my head saying I'm infected.

This Covid-19 thing is terrible. People are not taking this seriously. If they had we wouldn't be in this situation. I have all this background anxiety. I'm used to be anxious, but definitely starting to do more. Everything is just in limbo but I have to assume that everything is cancelled for the next six months. The world is so fucked right now.

I've left the house a few times just for the corner shop and buying sweets from the Garage for my little brother. Our ASDA delivery was disappointing, so many things were substituted for things that were not comparable. They didn't have Tiger bread.

I finally broke and brought bleach for my hair. I also found bleach in my cupboard so the only reason my hair isn't developing is that I washed my hair today. Also, I need to film.

Now I am drinking, watching a livesteam saying I'll film tomorrow, having not edited a video for this week. Still playing Animal Crossing, throwing eggs at my villagers.

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